Welcome to the riviting adventure of Washing Warrior, in which we follow a young man from a small village in china called Lee Chew as he leaves his home and try his luck in america. Along with friends and family he learns the values of capitalism and hard work. But along the way he might have to make some difficult choices in which he has to really consider his goals in life. Perhaps you can lead him down the path of succes without costing him everything.

For the strugglers: to reach america you have to impress the rich man, which is the only one you know who can affort the tickets, by washing, drying and delivering clothes.


Movement: WASD or arrow keys.

Interact: A


Loke - Environment Designer

Marcus - Character Designer, Animator

Patrick - Programmer

Victor - Character Designer, Animator


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Great artstyle!

I was kinda confused about the places i was supposed to go, but that was mitigated by a SPECIAL SOMEONE sitting next to me and guiding me along the way >:)

- William

As a developer, I will now respond to every single comment so far.
We will make it more clear where to go.

We can now for that reason conclude that our game is perfect if we made that clear :D

Amazing visuals, but just a small issue, there is slim to no way of knowing what to do if you don't know it from the start. Again amazing visuals!

there is like 10 npcs at the front and none of them are talking.
Findning the entrace to the big harrd was kinda hard. 
Can't intract with people over table.

at the wierd house you can wallk on the wall.

stuck at funny man screne

Beside that great game intressting plot and story

God grafik. Hvor skal jeg hen til at starte med? Brug vejledning og indakatorer. Også ham den gamle mand til at starte med "info dumpede" lidt, og jeg læste uden læseforståelse. Da jeg så ville læse igen for at være sikker på hvad jeg læste kunne jeg ikke interact med ham og genlæse hvad han sagde. Dog kan jeg genlæse på den anden mand (vaskemaskine manden). Ud over det kunne at tørre toj godt trænge til en animation så man ikke bare sidder fast.

the game is missing some pin pointing at the start of the game, it is hard to tell wich way you should go. the game is also missing direction on where i grab the shirts i tryed the drying line by deffault and only after found the right spot. when i interacktet with the drying raks my charekter froze without a explaination of why wich ment i didnt know if my game was bugged or something else. the game needs directions on how you get wich number of hause you need to go to. if you try to leave the habour the text appers again saying welcome omboard. the storry was good, but the game needs a little more direction hint

Nice game! The visuals are nice, but maybe the wait for hanging the clothes is a little too long. It's easy to get stuck in the game, so maybe add more dialog that tells the player what to do? all in all, I think it was a good game!

The backgrounds are very well made. No sense of direction though...

Great backgrounds, but its hard to remember the instructions. Good animation on the washing machine, but it was hard to see if you were drying the clothes

The visuals are stunning but a problem i have seen is that there are no hints as to where to go in the start of the game he just says in the house with the trees but it is never mentioned which direction it is and there are no signs so i had to run against all the walls to find it. Also i have not found where you know which house to go to and the tutorial cannot be played twice.

Svært at navigere, men ellers godt.

Du interacter ikke med a? Hvis man ikke ser efter i starten er det lidt svært at vide hvad man skal, fordi instrukster ikke repeates, hvis man går op til manden igen.

It is VERY easy to get stuck in this gam

(1 edit)

It was very unclear that you have to dry the clothes and speak to the man to get the house number. Maybe make it so you can talk to the man and he will give a quick recap on what to do? Other than that, I sure do love Lee's Laundering Legacy